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soprano, artist, creative, mentor, artístepreneur

...for a coach, mentor, cheerleader on your creative path? At a transition in your life & need strategies, tools, & techniques to reflect, evaluate, & move into your next steps? Want personalized mentorship & coaching in business & entrepreneurship, creativity, personal expression & awareness, public speaking & management, music or voice performance, passion projects & ideas? Trying to figure out WHY you do what you do or discover more meaningful ways to live your purpose? Developing a creative project & need consultation, professional advice, & strategies to make your dream a reality?

It would be a privilege to escort you on this part of your journey. Let's connect & see if our styles & vision align. Perhaps I can help you discover more of YOU & find total, complete, authentic, transparent, incredible expression of yourself in everything you do: from auditions, concerts, art, & performance, to resumes, interviews, work, & business ventures, to special projects, ministry, family, friends, & community.

I believe collaborations are not just concerts, or events, or performances, or projects. Collaboration is a trusted connection on a deeper level for a specific purpose or to accomplish a specific goal. Here are some ways that you and I may be able collaborate. But this isn't an exhaustive list. If our vision, mission, and values align, let's talk! Who knows what exciting new ideas and passions we might discover.


Individual & Group Coaching or Mentorship

Voice Lessons & Music Coaching

Business Management, Operations, & Entrepreneurship

Creative Management for Businesspeople

Creative Project Consultation, Design, & Implementation from Start to Finish

Comprehensive Audition & Role Preparation

Stage Presence & Performance Coaching

Public Speaking & Professional Presentation Coaching

Interview & Resume Preparation

Concert & Special Event Creation

Cultural & Arts Projects

Charitable Events for a Special Cause

I'm currently accepting private clients and hope to hear from you soon! Just click on the "book session" button below to set up a private, free 45-minute conversation so we can discover if we align and want to create something together. And yes, personal development, training, and professional growth is absolutely an intentional creative project. 

See you soon!

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For performance, concert, booking, or public speaking inquiries; to explore collaborative projects

and workshop presentations; or to schedule a private vocal or business coaching,

please contact me or sign up for a free consultation.

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